Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Rachael Ray's Mold Lawsuit


Even the movie stars with millions of dollars and luxury homes are not immune to mold exposure. It is unfortunate for them that even with the kind of money they posess, they still can't escape something as simple as water damage. Why are we building million dollar homes and multiple million dollar buildings for them to leak and cause mold damage? If the standards are not there to prevent the leaks and mold growth, then there will always be mold damage. Why are we letting the insurance companies get away with it? Why is it only the rich who have been able to fight the mold lawsuit battle, and why do they even have to fight for what is right to start with? Clean, safe, affordable housing is a must. This country would do a lot better to improve the standards of building practices against mold prevention. If we had higher standards for mold prevention, we could save a lot of tax dollars on treating those exposed to mold damaged and water damaged buildings.

Unfortunately most of the time people suffering from water damaged buildings and mold exposure are not in a position to speak up about it, for fear they will loose their job, for fear they will loose their rented apartment or home, for fear that people will think they are crazy, for fear that nobody will believe them. I am not glad that Rachael Ray has these problems with her home, it saddens me, but I am glad that the news is getting out about mold and how dangerous it is. The public deserves the truth and to be brought aware of this nightmarish situation. Your son or daughter, wife, husband, mother, father, brother , sister, aunt, uncle, best friend, could be affected by mold and if you are educated on it you might just recognize it in time before it does severe damage to them like it has to me. It took me 7 years to figure out I was getting exposed to mold.

Do me a favor: Just ask yourself, if one of your loved ones is sick, do they live or work in a water damaged dwelling or building? If the answer is yes, then please help them to get out, before its too late like it was for Brittany Murphy and Simon Monjack. Their lives were cut short. It is important, it is the right thing to do.

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