Tuesday, July 24, 2018

28 Signs you Grew up with an Autoimmune disease article


Here is an article I ran across on MSN.  It is so validating.  When I had strep for 2.5 months and took 4 antibiotics and couldn't get well I know now is because I have issues with my immune system.  Add to that fact that I had been working in moldy buildings.   If you are allergic to mold you could have autoimmune issues as well.  I have the best doctor.  We ran over $2000 worth of blood work to find some things out, but it was worth it.  Checking your genetics, HLA genes, IGG levels IGE levels and IGM levels are part of the puzzle. Then allergy testing.  Allergy test can help you know the things to avoid to trigger asthma attacks, and life threatening allergic reactions to things like peanuts, wheat, milk, eggs, shellfish etc.    Just knowing helps you understand why you feel so crummy all the time.  Mold Illness isn't fun and autoimmune disorders aren't either but you have to keep on going. Keep on keeping on and managing.  I thought this was a great article.


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