Monday, November 24, 2014

Schools and Mold are Smart Boards more important than clean air?

Schools are notorious for mold.  The reason?  We are not putting enough emphasis on the health of our staff and students.  The most important thing to a county school:  awards, attendance, grants, money, status and smart boards.  The things that are least important to a county school are the health and well being of the staff and students, the hvac system, the mold growth, regular maintenance and cleanliness. 

The elementary school I am familiar with in my area has an abundance of awards, they are pros at getting grants and new smart boards, but when it comes to regular maintenance in the building they are quite lacking.   The duct work has visible dust bunnies hanging as well as a coating about 2 inches thick all around the duct work.  Have you ever wondered why kids are generally healthy in the summer, but as soon as school starts ear infections, strep, stomach viruses, sinus infections and the like run rampant!  No its not just that kids are germ magnets, it has a lot to do with the environment that they are in.  Clean air and water is important and vital for your health. 

The water fountain at the elementary school in our area is being held together with duct tape, while there are shiny new smart boards in nearly every room.  How smart is that? 

I don't know about you,  but a little less mold in our schools would be great.  If we had to go back to the old way of doing things it may be smarter than goals upon goals for smart boards while ignoring basic needs for our schools.  Clean air and water!  Simple, simple simple.  How hard is that?