Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Is Technology Killing our Children? Are Smart Boards killing our Kids?

Funny thing happened today.  Our county school system here in NC just told us they are trying to get federal grants for technology.  Don't get me wrong, technology can be a wonderful thing, but if the school system can obtain federal funds to fund smart boards and new computers, laptops, internet service, etc. then it can fund a clean school that is mold free can't it?  Just wondering what is more important, new computers or clean floors and air?  When children are suffering with asthma, pneumonia, strep throat infections, plagued with severe allergies we have to ask ourselves, can anything be causing these problems? The answer is... (yes I know the answer) Mold in our schools is a big big big problem!!!   There is a website called schoolmoldhelp and some of the stories are unbelievable.  Dr. Shoemaker writes in his Mold Warriors book about the unbelievable stories of mold and sickness and illness.  I was basically told to hush up about the mold in a popular NC University that packed the punches of red and white.  Blood guilty is all I can say, no wonder people bleed red over there. Only more attention is probably spent on athletics at that university than technology, although they could run a close contest, and several of the athletic directors coaches died from cancer.  You know there is a connection between mold and cancer don't you?  Well, you do now.  Hopefully  you will get some insight by reading this article.  Hopefully you will think twice before you send your sons and daughters to a mold infested dorm room.  Knowledge is power.  Power up, and learn about the dangers of mold. Power up and say something.  Do something about it.  Don't be silent.  I wasn't.  I was lucky, I got out before it killed me. Let me tell you about a cutting edge classroom with technology before its time, and let me tell you that the air filter in the rooms hadn't been changed in 3 years.  Let me tell you about how the building leaked when it rained and how people had to work in the building while asbestos was flying through the air.  Yes technology could be killing our children.  Yes smart boards could be killing our children from elementary school on up to college.  Somebody needs to emphasize the importance of cleanliness next to godliness, instead of how many smart boards can we get for our school. How can we make this happen?  Post your suggestions. Please.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Are smart boards killing our children?

They could be.  If your child's school is more concerned with how many smart boards they can obtain for the school, than keeping up with the maintenance issues, then yes, Smart boards could be killing our children.  Technology is a wonderful thing, but how far do we go to get the A+ Five star rating in our schools.  Do we skimp on the small things?  I recently visited a school that had goals upon goals of obtaining smart boards by fundraisers, book sales, races, etc, etc.  Not one time did I see, that they were raising money to keep the school free of mold and dust.  They dust bunnies were hanging from the ceiling, the air filters, well lets just say who knows how long they had been there before they were changed.  Ceiling tiles dripping with water stains.  What was growing behind those soaked ceiling tiles?  Toxic mold?  Was that the reason your child had pneumonia, or strep throat that lasted for the entire winter?  Hmmmmm.  Kinda makes you wonder.  If it is so important to obtain smart boards, then why isn't the same importance put on keeping our schools healthy.  Why don't they have clean air?  Ok, let's do the math.  Air filter $3 each times 30 air filters equal $90.  If changed once a month for a year, and yes a whole year because the building is occupied all year then we are talking $1080 for a year.  It wouldn't take too long to save up for an extra smart board.  But at whose expense?  Our children's that's who. Thank you.