Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Multiple Chemical Sensitivities and Mold

Here is a great link to find out more information on multiple chemical sensitivity.

If you ask a person that has been exposed to mold, they will more than likely tell you that they are sensitive to things that most of society could never fathom. If a building has been water damaged, a lot of MCS (multiple chemical sensivity) patients can tell as soon as they walk in the door. With an increased sense of smell we are like the canaries in the coal mine. Fortunately, or unfortunately, depending on how you look at it, we can smell small amounts of voc's and mold behind the walls, in the ceilings, behind tiles, under the floor, etc. Call us bloodhounds if you want but if we can smell it, it's there. Unfortunately this illness limits our abilities to function normally in society.

It can really start to drive a person insane. But fortunately there is more than one of us and we can find comfort in knowing that others like us exist. Unfortunately society doesn't see us as sane, and therefore we suffer the stigma of: crazy, delusional, or psychotic. Maybe we should tell people that are allergic to strawberries and peanuts that "it's all in their head" and watch while they die from an anaphylactic reaction as we force them to be around the very thing that is poision to their bodies. I mean really why is being allergic to mold so unbelievable and being allergic to a food so accepted in our society? Its the same thing really, only we are allergic to mold and multiple chemicals and voc's.